Yesterday morning I was on the trainer by 5:30 am for a 2 hour ride. That included 20x (1min hard, 1 min easy) which is way way more difficult than it sounds. Particularly after track work the previous night.
Anyway, I'm on the trainer, with my typical set up - TV on low volume, iPod, phone and remote in the bento box, gatorade in the water bottle - minus my towel. And I was sweating. And sweating. And sweating. What I didn't realize was that all this sweat was dripping right down into the crevices of the electronic components of my (old school flip) phone. I the iPod always gets sweat on. In fact, the last one died due to too much sweat. Now, I have a gel skin. Helps a ton. I should've noted that.
So, hair dripping and clothes saturated, I finish my bike and crawl to the floor to stretch. And open my phone. To a completely blank screen. I open the battery compartment. Water (or sweat, actually) droplets.
I tried to dry it out.
Then it wouldn't turn on at all.
I killed the phone, like it had been dunked in a bucket of water, with the sweat dripping from my head. And upper body. Hot. I know.
So, I finally succumbed to the smart phone phenom. I can't wait to see what this does for my productivity at work. Facecrack and email at my fingertips. Not to mention GPS, the weather, entertainment news, blogs...dear God!
In other news, the circus is in town. I only know because I saw all the hoopla while I was out for a run last night. Oh, how nice it was to run easy. And to actually laugh (heartily) at the cop who, playfully, accused me of using the stop light (and massive amounts of traffic) for a break. Clearly, he does not know me and how I used to yell at Tom "Why are you stopping? We don't WALK! You can slow down to a jog that's slower than a walk, but we DO NOT stop!!!".
Back to the circus...there were also picketers out. I really feel horribly for those animals. I can't imagine they're treated well. And having to be on the road all the time? ugh. It turns my stomach just thinking about it...
Or maybe it's the ice cream I had for dinner last night? Yeah, that whole nutrition thing has to be put into effect soon! I was all anxious about a screw up I made at work. Anxiety craves comfort food.
But it, seemingly, turned out to be great fuel for for my morning Masters practice. (ok, probably not). We did lots of stuff. Kicking. And swimming. And swimming fast. And more kicking. And swimming long on cruise. And swimming fast again. And swimming non-free. And then...we raced. And I busted out a 1:12, my fastest timed 100 to date!
To all of you who have asked about the nutrition stuff, Carmichael has some great info!! I (obviously) have yet to apply it, but it has made me think even more about how I'm fueling myself for specific workouts. And what foods are best for a given training session. I haven't really cracked Matt Fitzgerald's book yet, but from what I've heard, it's got great info too. I'll post additional thoughts when I get some time. For now, I have to go correct that mistake from yesterday...
NICE Week of Training Last Week!
14 hours ago
u musta been sweatin like a wild banchee during that trainer session...AWESOME!!!
oh man, i have gotten sweat into my tv remote control and had to bang the shit out of it to start working again. but to bust a phone?! nice work!!! did you see any midgets?
I always eat ice cream the night before a race or workout... I think there is something to it- maybe just relaxation??
Thats a new one I havent heard yet
What smart phone did you get? I am addicted to the crackberry, yep, there goes your stats
I'm a blackberry addict and often have 2 (one for work, one for me). I tried the iphone once, gave it back and got yet another bberry.
I now put a little folding table next to the bike that I put all the remotes and stuff on (the ipod stays in the bento box). Of course sometimes I sort of throw a remote or phone back on the table and it bounces off. That only happens on one of those horrible, painful workouts and staring at the remote on the floor (or the light flashing on the bberry saying I have a message) for the majority of the workout justs make the workout extra horrible.
Love it - you're part of the sweaty-chick club too! Haha. I just wrote on my blog about how I sweat buckets when I'm on the trainer, clearly more than other girls. I could probably short out an entire house.
I killed a Garmin with excessive sweat!
I always sweat like crazy on my trainer rides. I wear a bondiband now and it really helps!
I actually hate the circus. I've always thought it was cruel to make animals be a part of the circus. One thing that my husband and I both agree on is that we will not be taking our boys to a circus...ever! Some people may think they'll be missing out on something, but I don't really care what they think.
That is crazy!!! I don't want to know how much I sweat and that actually quantifies it to some degree!
I want to try a smart phone when I move back to the states and I'm scared at all of that stuff at my fingertips too!!
OMG don't give her technology. geez.
Don't know if you've rectified the phone yet, but if you remove the battery and stick the phone by an AC duct for the day it should dry out and recover. It works better if you have a dehumidifier, but the air coming out of an HVAC duct is pretty dry.
If you are ever interested in the Carmichael food plans, I've purchased them and can email them to you. Just let me know!
a smart phone is just like high speed internet - you'll never go back.
"in other news, the circus is in town". Best.transition.ever. :)
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