Sunday, February 8, 2009

Like spring

Outside, there's a smell in the air that is reminiscent of spring. The birds are chirping. The sun is shining. The ground is wet. And clothes are falling off quicker than those shedding them can tone up and get tan. It's a sight!

I went to the levee last night to see "He's Just Not that Into You" (super cute flick, btw) since I had the evening to myself and I saw far too much pale, flabby flesh. It's one of the great things about warming weather...we Midwesterners just can not wait to start shedding the layers. I'm guilty. I was out running yesterday in shorts and a sports bra when some man commented "it's not that warm". Well, it was too warm to don the fleece I'd started with, which was then tied around my waist, so yes, it was that warm. Tomorrow, we're supposed to hit 59 degrees! I might just play hookie :)

With the ground so wet, I opted for a 90 min trainer ride, spinning easy. I'm doing a two hour group trainer ride with Cincy Express as a fundraiser for "Girls on the Run" this afternoon. Then, Tom, my 2008 IM training partner, and I are going for a run. Lots of training today. So, until then, I'll just rest up and enjoy the sun!

1 comment:

Steve Stenzel said...

I with you in the shedding layers too soon for "normal" people. People can think we're nuts - whatever. It's nearly spring and feeling great outside!! YAY!!