I've been forced to the sidelines for a time, so I haven't posted. I'm not able to train or work or eat much or sleep without aid and I'm not sure when life will resume some type of regularity...but I know that time is coming.
The past week has been very difficult physically and emotionally. So many nights I've cried myself to sleep or awoken in the middle of the night to have a meltdown. I've been in pain that makes me convulse and faint and cry and those close to me have had to watch...and worry.
But I'm on the mend, physically. And my heart is also healing.
Fortunately, God puts some really special people in your life and you don't always know the purpose behind these meetings...but sometimes that purpose is what gets you through a hard day or a life crisis.
Today, I got a call from Judi and I wasn't in the best state of mind and I didn't want to answer, but the words she spoke gave me hope. The things of which she reminded were imperative. The suggestions she gave put a smile on my face and thoughts in my mind.
And things began to turn around. And I know that everything is going to be ok. I know that changes must be made. I know that the right thing to do is often the hardest thing to do (which I learned from another one of those very special people whom I'll blog about tomorrow). And I know that I have to rest and allow my body to heal, but I also have to pick myself up and move on and allow my heart to heal too.
The healing has begun. And it's all ok...
NICE Week of Training Last Week!
15 hours ago
If it makes you feel better - you where my inspiration on my lunch time bike ride! Yeah it was not and I smelled like a stinky sports bra the rest of the day - but I did get that freaking ride in!!
Hope you get to feeling better :)
i have been thinking about you since your last post. hang in there amanda, youre a kickass person and deserve all the happiness the world has to offer. :)
Stay strong. Sounds like it was a major physical and emotional meltdown. It's tough when they coincide like that--but of course they do, right? I don't know the details of what is wrong, but I know about pain, and I'm thinking about you and sending you healing thoughts.
i am always here for you girlie. god put us in each other's lives for a reason.
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